The Hanover Band is supported by The Hanover Band Foundation.
The Foundation’s charitable objectives are to educate and inform the public in the performance practices of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, via concerts and outreach programmes which are undertaken through the following activities:
Howell James CBE (Chair), Hilary Birch,
Ken Bodfish OBE, David Cooper, Dr John Godfrey,
Laurie Watt
Stephen Neiman – Clerk to the Foundation
Tarrant Place, 65 Tarrant Street, Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9DJ
Tel: 01903 889996
Registered Charity No 1138061
HANOVER (Not Hannover; Germany) In terms of British history the majority of the music we play is from the Hanoverian period. Hanover also refers to Hanover Square in London, where Haydn performed his symphonies and arias in the Salomon Concerts in the 1790’s.
BAND (ref: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians)
‘An instrumental ensemble, larger than a chamber ensemble. Thus the ’24 violins’ of Louis XIV were called ‘la grande bande’ to distinguish them from Lully’s ‘petits violons’, and Charles II’s similar ensemble was known as ‘the King’s Band’. By extension, ‘band’ came to mean an orchestra in colloquial British usage’.
THE HANOVER BAND a period name for a period orchestra.