This concert has been postponed by Kings College, London due to the latest Government advice relating to the Covid-19 epidemic. Further details will be issued shortly and will be made available on this website as soon as practicable.
JS BACH St John Passion
The Choir of King’s College London and the Hanover Band present a Passiontide performance of Johann Sebastian Bach’s St. John Passion. Please join us for this performance of one of Bach’s most loved works, in the beautiful setting of the College Chapel.
Christopher Huggon Evangelist
Joseph Edwards Jesus
Sebastian Johnson Pilate
The Choir of King’s College London
Joseph Fort conductor
HANOVER (Not Hannover; Germany) In terms of British history the majority of the music we play is from the Hanoverian period. Hanover also refers to Hanover Square in London, where Haydn performed his symphonies and arias in the Salomon Concerts in the 1790’s.
BAND (ref: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians)
‘An instrumental ensemble, larger than a chamber ensemble. Thus the ’24 violins’ of Louis XIV were called ‘la grande bande’ to distinguish them from Lully’s ‘petits violons’, and Charles II’s similar ensemble was known as ‘the King’s Band’. By extension, ‘band’ came to mean an orchestra in colloquial British usage’.
THE HANOVER BAND a period name for a period orchestra.