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CAROLINE BROWN – Our Founder – Memorial Service


MOZART Requiem

About This Concert

There will be a memorial service and performance of the Mozart Requiem at St Margaret’s Church, Westminster Abbey on Wednesday 13th June at 4.00pm to celebrate Caroline’s life and her achievements.

Please note that tickets (free of charge) will be required to gain access to St Margaret’s Church.


13 June 2018
4:00 pm

St Margaret's Church, St Margaret Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3JX, UK
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Additional Info
Due to security arrangements in force at Westminster, tickets (free of charge) are only available upon application online at Eventbrite.

Or you can write to:

Mrs Alison Wilkinson, The Hanover Band Foundation, 65 Tarrant Street, Arundel, West Sussex, BN19 9DJ

The Hanover Band

HANOVER (Not Hannover; Germany) In terms of British history the majority of the music we play is from the Hanoverian period. Hanover also refers to Hanover Square in London, where Haydn performed his symphonies and arias in the Salomon Concerts in the 1790’s.

BAND (ref: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians)
‘An instrumental ensemble, larger than a chamber ensemble. Thus the ’24 violins’ of Louis XIV were called ‘la grande bande’ to distinguish them from Lully’s ‘petits violons’, and Charles II’s similar ensemble was known as ‘the King’s Band’. By extension, ‘band’ came to mean an orchestra in colloquial British usage’.

THE HANOVER BAND a period name for a period orchestra.

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